Trail Closure: Aptos Creek Road
A forest health and fuel reduction project along the upper portions of Aptos Creek Road in The Forest of Nisene Marks State Park is planned for mid-July 2024 through December 2024. Severe weather may delay progress and cause project extensions.
Heavy machinery will operate near roads and trails within the project area. For visitor safety, trails and roads in the project area will close occasionally when equipment is working nearby. Project staff will be on site to direct visitors who miss trail closure signs. Project work will occur during business hours, Monday through Friday. There will be no project operations or trail closures on Saturdays or Sundays.
This project will improve emergency access during wildfires and improve forest health and ecosystem function. The project will also prepare the area for prescribed fire, which will reduce fuel loads and enhance biodiversity.
This project is being managed by Resource Conservation District and California State Parks.
*more info to come