FAQ: Felton Pump Track

March 4, 2025
Get your questions answered about the Felton Pump Track.

What is a pump track?
A pump track is a track for wheeled sports equipment that, when ridden properly, does not require pedaling or pushing, but a “pumping” action to maintain momentum. pump tracks can be constructed out of different materials. Dirt is the traditional surfacing, but, the use of asphalt surfacing minimizes maintenance needs and allows for other wheeled users such as skateboards, scooters, roller skates etc., in addition to bicycles. pump tracks can be utilized by people of all ages and skill levels and allow for skills progression.

Are there other pump tracks nearby?
Several examples of pump track can be seen in the county. Ramsay Park, Harvey West Park, the Westside Pump Track, Skypark, McGregor Park and Chanticleer Park all have pump track facilities. Notably absent from this list is any park in the San Lorenzo Valley. Felton Covered Bridge Park would provide the perfect location for a pump track, sitting at the intersection of major transportation routes in and out of the San Lorenzo Valley.

Please note: The closest existing pump track is at Skypark in Scotts Valley. This pump track is temporary. It will be demolished to make way for new housing development in the area.

Where will people park?
Felton Covered Bridge Park has 32 parking spaces. The park is also adjacent to a Santa Cruz Metro bus stop. Many users will choose to ride to the park from their homes.

Will the pump track affect access to the Covered Bridge?
No. All existing walking pathways will remain as-is. The pump track will not be visible from the bridge nor deter from the existing views to and from the historic bridge.

How much space will be left over for community events (festivals, BBQs, etc)?
The proposed pump track will reduce the usable lawn space interior of the walking path and west of the volleyball court by 13% (6,500 sf of approximately 50,000 sf of lawn). This is mostly the margins between existing volleyball court and path. This will still provide space for community events while reducing the watering and mowing requirements of the turf.

What will the hours of operation be?
The pump track will be open from sunrise to sundown consistent with park hours.

Won’t a pump track be an eyesore on this beautiful park?
Pump tracks can be made aesthetically pleasing and to blend into a park landscape by using features such as split rail fencing, artificial turf, and/or native plant landscaping.

What will be used to address the noise created from the use of the pump track?
The pump track will be paved with smooth, fine aggregate asphalt and will create minimal noise from use by skateboards, scooters, and bicycles.

What is the plan for dust control during construction and regular use?
The site will be watered during construction to control dust. The track will be paved and landscape areas will be mulched and no dust should be created by use.

Who will maintain the pump track?
SCMTS will maintain the track surface. County Parks will maintain landscaping.

Will the pump track be fenced?
The pump track will be surrounded by a split rail fence.

Will lights be installed for the new track?
No, there will be no new lighting installed for the pump track.

Feel free to send us an email at [email protected] if you have a question that isn't answered here.


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