
E-Bikes Allowed
Pogonip is a City of Santa Cruz Open Space and offers 8 miles of trail access for hikers, cyclists and equestrians. Approximately 2.5 miles are open to bikes: Rincon Connector, Rincon Road, and U-Con Trail plus the MBOSC-built Emma McCrary Trail, a beginner-friendly, 1.5-mile multi-use trail that provides vehicle-free access to UCSC from downtown Santa Cruz.

Pogonip is a City of Santa Cruz Open Space and offers 8 miles of trail access for hikers, cyclists and equestrians. Approximately 2.5 miles are open to bikes: Rincon Connector, U-Con Trail plus the MBOSC-built Emma McCrary Trail, a beginner-friendly, 1.5-mile multi-use trail that provides vehicle-free access to UCSC from downtown Santa Cruz. Please note: bikes are also allowed on Rincon Road, but only from Highway 9 to the Emma McCrary/U-Con Junction.

Visit the park’s website here.


Emma McCrary Trail

SCMTS' first-ever trail consists of 2+ miles of singletrack for cyclists, equestrians and hikers in Pogonip.

Fern Trail Restoration

The SCMTS Trail Crew and the City of Santa Cruz’s Summer Youth Trail Crew joined forces to restore the eroded Fern Trail in Pogonip.

Harvey West Pump Track

World-class rollers, berms and jumps. Right in the heart of Santa Cruz.

Ohlone Trail reroute

The SCMTS Trail Crew and the City of Santa Cruz’s Summer Youth Trail Crew rerouted this badly eroded hiking trail through pristine oak and redwood forest.

Pogonip Creek Nature Bridge

The SCMTS Trail Crew and the City of Santa Cruz’s Summer Youth Trail Crew joined forces to rebuild a hazardous bridge on the popular Pogonip hiking trails.

Shakespeare Connector Trail

The SCMTS Trail Crew and the City of Santa Cruz partnered to build this pedestrian-only trail that leads directly to the outdoor Santa Cruz Shakespeare theatre.

U-Con Trail

U-Con (University Connector) Trail was the first legal singletrack in Santa Cruz County, and is by far the most popular. This trail is maintained by the SCMTS team, and sees thousands of hikers, cyclists and equestrians per week!

Support Trails in Pogonip

Have you enjoyed trails throughout Pogonip? Donate to support SCMTS' ongoing trail development and maintenance in the park!